The Panday Buhay Project has trained 317 individuals in various construction-related trade programs, helping them secure multiple national certifications and access better job opportunities.
Need skilled workers? Our scholars can help you!
Support low-income skilled workers and help improve their lives by engaging them for your construction needs.
Connect with a Workers' Association near you.
For inquiries and other information about the project, contact us at pandaybuhay@habitat.org.ph.

About the Panday Buhay Project
Enabling unqualified and lowly qualified, marginalized construction laborers to attain certified vocational qualification for improved employment and income, promoting workers’ associations to reduce exploitation of laborers
Spearheaded by Habitat for Humanity Philippines, through funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Habitat for Humanity Germany, this project aims to help improve construction workers' livelihoods, economic resilience, and quality of life through construction training and securing multiple national-level certifications. The project will be implemented in nine cities located in Metro Manila, Cebu, and Negros Occidental. It seeks to elevate the construction industry’s working standards through partnerships with various organizations and institutions by supporting construction workers and protecting their rights.

The Panday Buhay project provided low-skilled construction workers with construction technical and vocational training to:

Our Trainees
Panday Buhay trainees are multi-skilled and certified in training courses such as electrical installation and maintenance, heavy equipment operation in tower cranes, masonry, plumbing, shielded metal arc welding, and tile setting.
Watch Panday Buhay E-Learning Videos
Access a wide range of comprehensive training videos designed to enhance the capacity of construction workers and empower workers' associations.
Our YouTube playlist include topics on Resilient Construction, Legal Literacy, Gender and Development, Cooperative Management and Governance, Savings Mobilization and Micro-Insurance, and Construction Safety and Health (COSH).
Available in Tagalog, Bisaya, and Hiligaynon dialects.